Worship services
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Sundays (previous week's) at 6pm and Thursdays at 8:30am.
Trinity Church is a Christian community of people of all ages and from different faith traditions.
We come together on Sunday mornings to celebrate the love of God and learn about Jesus with and from each other. We listen to God's word, we sing hymns and contemporary songs, and we pray together.
Church members participate in leading worship. You may hear someone sharing a "God Moment", a Moment for Mission, or an Open and Affirming Moment.
Our worship services are designed to comfort and uplift, but also to challenge you to grow in your faith. We don't have all the answers but we invite you to ask questions and seek answers with us.
We consider children and youth an important part of our worshiping congregation. They may choose to be in our "Prayground" in front of the Sanctuary with a blanket, pillows, books and puzzles. We love to hear the sound of children.
During the school year, we offer Faith Formations classes for kids grades K - 12.
Special services
How to Become a Member, Baptisms & Dedications
Baptism is the ritual whereby a member is welcomed into the Church universal, and Trinity Church in particular. We offer multiple opportunities for baptism. In our United Church of Christ tradition, we baptize infants and people of any age with sprinkles of water. In our American Baptist tradition, we baptize believers (those old enough to express their wish to be baptized) by full immersion in water. The American Baptist tradition offers a dedication service for infants.
In either case, the ceremony involves a commitment made by the congregation and the parents to work together to nurture the child as a child of God in our church community until he or she is old enough to be confirmed (if baptized) or choose believer’s baptism for himself or herself (if dedicated). We invite and strongly encourage the family to participate in the life of Trinity Church, and be members of the church.
We recognize any Christian baptism as valid. If you or your child were baptized in another church or denomination, you (or they) do not need to be baptized again. You may become a member of Trinity Church in a ceremony of affirmation and welcome.
For more information on becoming a member, baptisms, and dedications please contact the church office.​
Funerals & Memorial Services
Trinity Church offers their support to anyone who is approaching the end of their life, or wishes to honor and celebrate a family member's life. Our Pastor is available to officiate at funerals and memorial services. We will serve any family in the community; it is not necessary to be a member of Trinity Church, the United Church of Christ or American Baptist Churches.
Services may be held at Trinity Church or a the funeral home, by request of the family. They focus primarily on giving thanks to God for the life of a person loved, and the hope and comfort we have in our faith that in Jesus, God has overcome death and anything that may separate us from God.
For more information, please contact the church office.
General Information for the Couple
We offer weddings for both heterosexual and same-sex marriages. Please contact the church office for more detailed information.
The wedding ceremony is a faithful and joyful celebration within the church community. Therefore, Trinity Church welcomes your interest in being married in the sanctuary and is pleased to be a part of your wedding plans. We are eager to help you make your wedding a meaningful and special occasion and, even more importantly, your marriage a success and a blessing!
If you do not worship at Trinity Church regularly, we earnestly invite you to do so.
Pre-Marital Counseling
The most important preparation for marriage takes place in your hearts and minds. To aid in this process, a pastor normally meets with you both a few times before the wedding. These appointments are designed to provide an opportunity for a thorough discussion of the nature and meaning of love and marriage as well as a time to plan the ceremony itself. In order for these sessions to serve their purpose, a period of four months is usually necessary. It is therefore suggested that you contact the church office or the pastor as soon as you have decided to get married, even before the date is set.
Setting the Date and Time
As soon as you have a date in mind, contact the pastor to make preliminary arrangements. No wedding can be scheduled until confirmed by a pastor.
Arrangements of the Service
Though these matters will be discussed in one of the premarital sessions, you should be aware of certain policies from the outset. Normally the parish clergy officiates at all services held in our church. At her discretion, other clergy may be invited to participate in a service. They are also responsible for the content of each service and though they desire the service to be expressive of your interests, it must also conform to standards of Christian faith and worship. Thus, your own preferences in music, readings, etc. will need to be approved in advance by the pastor officiating. Our organist will gladly consult with you regarding music selection. You should contact the organist to confirm the wedding date, rehearsal time, and musical selections. Our church organist plays for all weddings, or if unable to play will provide a list of approved organists. If another organist is engaged, the church organist must grant permission.
The Rehearsal
A rehearsal is required for a formal wedding and is normally scheduled a day or two before. If not provided earlier, the marriage license should be presented to the minister at the rehearsal.
The Reception
The Fellowship Hall with adjoining kitchen is very suitable for catered functions. If utilized, the custodian or a representative assigned by the church must be present. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on church property.
Costs and Fees
Rehearsal & Wedding: $400.00 (non-members) / No cost for members.
Clergy: $500.00 (non-members) / No cost for members.
Organist: Rehearsal & Wedding $250.00 / Wedding Only $250.00 (members & non-members).
Custodian: $100.00 ($50 additional for Reception) (non-members & members).
Use of Fellowship Hall and Kitchen: $425.00 + $200.00 refundable deposit (non-members) $150.00 (members).
If a couple finds it impossible to meet these financial arrangements, please discuss this with the pastor
early in the process.